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Бухгалтерия, финансы, банки. Кадровые службы, HR, охрана труда. Логистика, склад, закупки. Маркетинг, реклама, PR. Образование, наука, языки. Полиграфия, издательства, СМИ. Рестораны, кафе, общепит. Спорт, красота, здоровье. ТЭК, энергетика, добыча сырья. Рекомендации бывшего работодателя доверяй, но проверяй.
TRADOLOGIC is a leading international software company with offices and partners all over the world. Our innovative and advanced products open the world of financial trading for everyone to enjoy. We are in a rapidly growing industry and it is the right time for you to join our team of brainiacs. Take part in the development of award-winning solutions for online trading. Meet us at IT Career Days.
Its been a while since Ive done a post on а project.
Une entreprise nécessite en permanence des outils informatiques efficients pour assurer son activité. Mais elle na pas forcément besoin davoir un informaticien à demeure. Activa Informatique propose des solutions informatiques pour les entreprises depuis 2007. Nous sommes spécialisés dans les TPE et PME. Cabinets davocats et de juristes.
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Desoler mais comme 7 saison est fini bah.